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How to calculate correlation coefficient in excel like an expert
To calculate the correlation coefficient in excel we can use the function "CORREL" or "PEARSON"
For instance, The data in a class was collected to see if there is any correlation between the height and weight variables. The table below shows the collected data
Entries | Height (cm) | Weight (Kg) |
1 | 123 | 45 |
2 | 110 | 32 |
3 | 168 | 89 |
4 | 123 | 35 |
5 | 145 | 67 |
6 | 154 | 89 |
7 | 163 | 98 |
8 | 134 | 88 |
9 | 124 | 75 |
10 | 137 | 69 |
In using the CORREL function, click on any cell and input =CORREL(array 1, array 2)
Then click the Enter button and the function returns the correlation coefficient
In our example, we have;
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